Convenient home improvement centres in Japan for renovations buying tools and materials].

Hello everyone, I am Renova.

In this issue, we introduce home improvement centres in Japan that may or may not be in your neighbourhood for self-renovation, but that you can easily order online!

Home improvement centres are not just about buying materials and tools...

  • Rental of expensive tool-type tools such as screwdrivers, circular saws, etc.
  • Truck rental
  • Timber cutting service

There are many points that can be very useful, such as the following, so use them more and more when working with minimal costs!

Home Center Valor (ホームセンターバロー)

This home improvement centre operates mainly in the Chubu region (Gifu, Aichi, Shizuoka and Mie).

As a good point:

There is also an online shop so that people who do not live in the area where the barrow is located can order!

Youtuber ‘Hitori de DIY Dekiru Monman’ is also said to be a user.

He has an online shop and says it is cosmetic. He uses bathroom materials.

700,000 yen old house (8) Baths built for 80,000 yen, general collection.

Kohnan (コーナン)

Kohnan is a home centre with an almost nationwide presence in Japan south of the north-east.

There is also an ON-LINE shop here, which you can check using the link above.

A truck service is also available for transport!

However, it is more of a hardware shop and sells more general lifestyle products, so DIYs related to renovations may be limited in number.

Many LIXIL ready-made parts and other products are sold, which is ideal for those who want them.

Cainz (カインズホーム)

Everyone loves Cain's Home. This home centre has shops from Hokkaido to the Kyushu region.

It's pretty much everywhere, even in the countryside.

Home improvement-related home improvement sales are said to be number one in recent years. As expected!

It is likely to have a range of tools, whether you want to do furniture-based DIY such as small shelves or full-scale DIY!

There is also an online service, which is convenient.

Many LIXIL ready-made parts and other products are sold, which is ideal for those who want them.

Nafco (ナフコ)

Nafco [official home improvement retailer].

Home improvement centres in Saitama.

They are also available for rent and for sell-out sales.

I have not been there yet, but I might like to go.

There is also an online shop. Helpful.

Viva Home (ビバホーム)

Home improvement centre Viva Home From DIY to renovation, make life more comfortable!

It is a bit expensive, but it is a dodeca home improvement centre, which is also located in Toyosu, Tokyo!

LIXIL runs the company? I didn't know that.

Home improvement centres operating in mainland Japan outside Okinawa.

I feel that it is easier to find relatively fashionable fittings and other accessories than elsewhere. (It depends on your taste, I suppose.)

Timber cutting is also available at Viva Home.

Sekichu (セキチュー)

It is a home improvement centre currently operating from Kanto to Joetsu.

I feel like this one sells things that are quite itchy (very personal opinion).

There is also an online shop, check the link above!

Truck services are also available.

DCM (formerly Keiyo D2)

D2, or now DCM!

It is a very personalised home improvement centre with a wide range of products, from full-fledged pillars to mini DIYs for decorating your home in style!

This also offers a wide range of services that can be utilised, such as truck rental for transporting timber and other materials purchased at DCM, a timber cutting service (at the time of writing this, cutting costs 50 yen per straight line) and tool rental from one day.

The truck service takes 90 minutes to return (and is free of charge if you buy a product).

Have your licence ready and wear gloves!


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