Hello everyone, I am Renova.
I would like to introduce you to a great and very fun and educational Youtube channel that has been a great help to me personally in my self-renovation.
The channels range from professionals to DIYers on how to self-renovate.
I have browsed it to death and recommend it with confidence!
So, here you go.
At the time of purchase
Kurao: Channel specializing in used houses (くらお 中古戸建て専門チャンネル)
He has a tremendous amount of knowledge about investing in existing homes.
This is very valuable because it will teach you how to choose the right property and what to look for when remodeling or buying a house.
This channel teaches you about real estate investment, including the purchase of properties, especially used properties from an investment perspective.
If you want to sell your house someday, you should usually look at these things beforehand and consider what kind of things buyers will look at before proceeding with self-renovation, such as which parts to pay attention to.
I personally found this video particularly instructive.
Boundary stones, I hear they fly off easily, so it's good to know...!
Professional architects and construction companies
There are many room tour systems, but you should know the craftsmanship and attention to detail!
HomeLandick Architectural Firm I(ホームランディック一級建築士事務所)
A glimpse into the latest professional construction company knowledge!
My personal favorite video is a passive house type work.
If you want to know more about cutting-edge functional homes and master craftsmanship, take a look here.
Above all, the motivation to renovate is exploding with all the beautiful houses.
hiramatsukenchiku (職人社長の家づくり工務店)
The scientific and engineering explanations make it easy to understand.
It's quite nice for the layman to learn the difference between the materials.
But sometimes position talk comes in. But I think it can't be helped because of my position.
Let's watch them for free so you can judge the information for yourself! First, let's watch the video around!
Ecoa House
The channel is rich in information on how the layout should be created from the client's perspective (tips on how to make it look wider, etc.).
Technical aspects professional/carpenter
It is amazing that carpenters are able to remodel their own houses by themselves.
大工の正やん(Daiku no Shouyan)
Professional carpenters, so the work is fast! Stable!
However, amateurs do not usually have planing or wood tanning equipment, so that is not helpful. Unless you decide to make a living at it as your day job, buy tanned wood. LOL!
If you want to self-renovate, you will definitely learn a lot by learning about the trends and changes in the way houses are built in the past and in the recent past.
My personal favorite video is my home kitchen renovation.
The construction method seems to be a mixture of traditional and modern methods, and it is instructive to learn about the old and the new. Although he says that his main focus is on new construction rather than renovation, he also does home renovations, and I personally think the video of his kitchen is well worth watching.
If you want to watch in English, there is also an English channel called “Shoyan Japanese Carpenter” that you can check out!
Murata Kazu RE Home Channel
This is a very informative carpentry channel that also provides diagrams and other information!
For several years he has been a professional carpenter all his life, renovating and remodelling various homes, and I would like to absorb his skills by watching his videos and listening to his explanations.
Catarina TV (カタリナハウス)
Channel from a renovation company!
It is a valuable channel that shows the construction process in terms of technology, such as earthquake-resistant construction, and I always refer to it.
I mean, I love the way all the houses are coming back to life in a wonderful way.
If you have cats, this is a must-see, especially if you have renovations for catwalks!
趣味と実益 hobby and profit
This is a channel where architects actually make videos! He also designed his daughter's house, and his videos are very informative and based on the correct knowledge that only a professional can provide.
DIY stingrays! These are the warriors who are doing it.
setakara DIY channel
‘A couple have DIY, fully renovated a 51-year-old second-hand property.’
I want to do it personally.
Pole Pole DIY channel (ポレポレDIYチャンネル)
He is a DIYer who has worked on several different renovations of a house in one video!
Above all, he is an interesting narrator.
This person is starting out as an amateur, so some of the comments are rambling, but it is a great learning experience, including the comments.
Above all, it was the Polepole DIY Channel that made me think about ‘DIY self-renovation’ and actually trying it myself.
Great respect!
This channel is run by a person called Okapi,
Aroman Channel (アロマン ch)
What a young man (wakoudo) doing basic DIY in a huge old house of 100,000 bought in Oita, all by himself.
I do everything basically by myself!I am empowered by the spirit of
I have the impression that you can do this kind of thing by yourself, and that you make just about anything.
Personally, I love the video in which I created my bedroom.
Closet doors made by Amron are too stylish!
I'm already surprised that I've made the bed (I never thought of making it myself).
The process of transforming a former old house into a stylish interior that looks like it could be in Tokyo is something you won't get tired of seeing again and again.
The channel is really helpful for people who are considering self-renovation, as they can watch the general compilation first and then watch videos by process if they are interested in the details.
ISOLA E-cycle
But this person is (supposedly) an engineer with great electrical expertise,
My favourite channel!
Hitori DIY (ひとりでできるマンDIY)
He is someone who has renovated a lot of houses in any case cosmetically!
Usually a full renovation of a house costs from 10 million yen if you ask a contractor, and even if you do it yourself it costs around 3 million yen at the lowest, but this person has done it for 350,000 yen.
There are many aspects of the amazingly low prices that could be imitated, and are particularly helpful for budget-conscious people!
Anton in Japan
Roaming wild rosie
Planning stage
Transmissions from people who have built custom-built houses are quite helpful!
Yamamamama channel (やままままチャンネル)
This is a channel for a couple who have built a custom-built house.
It is mainly narrated by Yamamama.
It is very sad that he is no longer updating his channel and has retired from Youtube, but Doga is still around.
If you want to absorb a lot of information in a limited time (usually around 5 minutes), this is the place for you!
The format seems similar to that of the Yamamama Channel, but this person has built a house in Hokkaido, which may be helpful for people building houses in cold climates.
There are many DIYers who find it helpful to introduce photos of the construction stage in the normal way!
Creative no Uragawa (クリエイティブの裏側)
To re-create a completely new space, it is easier to decide on the atmosphere of the walls if you have some idea of the kind of room you want ahead of time!
That's the way it is for the creative behind the scenes.
Interior Kingdom (インテリア王国)
This channel is for people who focus on how to harmonise and coordinate the entire interior.
If you don't know anything about building a stylish home, you can learn about it theoretically here!
Roomy roomtour
A channel where you can see the interiors of various houses.
It is a great opportunity to see a wide range of interior designs, from flats to houses, and to learn about interior design.
The coolest thing is that they also give you information about the cross products and where they bought the furniture, and sometimes they even tell you why they made the choice they did, so if you actually like something, you can go straight out and find it yourself and buy it.
Yang Interior
Specialised in outbuildings and gardens
The beauty of the exterior of a house raises the quality of life of the people living in the house!
Carmen-kun Garden Channel
Channels that are not channels, but one-off videos that were very helpful or niche areas that are not so much to categorise (but very informative)
It is very valuable to be able to watch failure videos.
Architectural exam mania/Hama-chan. (建築士試験マニア/はまちゃん)
It is important to know a little bit of construction terminology, otherwise you will have a hard time in an emergency, so learn it little by little.
DIY & Shiba-inu Gen
Self-built and simple (but of course hard to put up)
Channel for those who have put up a house.
Yomeko (よめ子)
Small DIY type.
Superwoman who makes everything herself.
It's very hard to find too many people on Youtube who are disseminating great information.
If you don't have time to look at all of them, start with the ones that interest you.
If you are interested in DIY, please click here to find other articles and more.
See you then!
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